Connecting With My Readers by Writing From the Heart

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We live in a world overflowing with content, but much of it is impersonal. More and more text is generated by Artificial Intelligence. AI-generated text is the ultimate in impersonal writing since it’s machine-generated.

Whether you’re a writer, artist, entrepreneur, or simply sharing your thoughts with the world, how do you truly connect with your audience?

According to Hugh MacLeod’s wise words, the answer is disarmingly simple: “Write from the heart.”

My purpose in writing my blog is to help people benefit from what I write about. I want my readers (and myself) to become better people, living intentional lives full of purpose and meaning. For my writing to be effective, I think it’s important for me to connect with my readers as a person, not just as an impersonal source of information.

Writing from the heart means being open about sharing myself with my readers. I want to be open and honest about my strengths and weaknesses, what I believe in, and what I am passionate about. I want to be transparent about the fact that I’m a fellow traveler always learning and striving to improve. I’m nowhere close to “having arrived,” I regularly make mistakes and don’t live up to my ideals. That can be challenging. We all fear people might not like us or read what we write if they know who we are. But I hope that in doing so, readers will see me as a real person and feel a connection.

Only by “writing from the heart” can I connect with my readers.

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